Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis «Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis^Thumbnails»Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis«Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis^Thumbnails»Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis«Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis^Thumbnails»Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis

Tricholomopsis rutilans · raudongalvis baltikenis

EN · Plums and Custard, Red-haired agaric
DE · Purpurfilzige, Rötliche Holzritterling
LT · raudongalvis baltikenis
LV · parastā vistene
PL · rycerzyk czerwonozłoty
A striking and easily recognised fungus, Plums and Custard takes its common name from its plum-red scaled cap and crowded custard yellow gills. The flesh is cream-coloured and spore print creamy white. The base colour of the cap under the purplish scales is yellow.

Tricholomopsis rutilans can be found growing on tree stumps and logs (especially those of spruce) in coniferous woodlands throughout the northern hemisphere in late summer and autumn. It has also been found, probably accidentally introduced, in Australia and Costa Rica on introduced pine trees.

Many older texts list T. rutilans as apparently able to be eaten after boiling, though not recommended. A couple of more recent books list it as of poor quality, reportedly due to a taste of rotting wood.

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