Pandemis cerasana caterpillar · serbentinis pandemis, vikšras ^Thumbnails»Pandemis cerasana caterpillar · serbentinis pandemis, vikšras^Thumbnails»Pandemis cerasana caterpillar · serbentinis pandemis, vikšras^Thumbnails»Pandemis cerasana caterpillar · serbentinis pandemis, vikšras

Pandemis cerasana caterpillar · serbentinis pandemis, vikšras

EN · barred fruit-tree tortrix
DE · Johannisbeer-Breitwickler
PL · zwójka porzeczkóweczka
Some caterpillars hatch from the eggs after a few weeks and feed for a brief time before overwintering. Other eggs overwinter and the caterpillars do not hatch until the following spring. The larvae are polyphagous and feed on various deciduous trees and shrubs (Abies, Alnus, Acer, Betula, Crataegus, Fraxinus, Quercus) including fruit-trees (especially apple and pear, hazelnut (Corylus), currant (Ribes), blackberry and raspberry (Rubus) and cherry and plum (Prunus).

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