Agrotis exclamationis · šauktukinis dirvinukas

EN · heart and dart DE · Ausrufungszeichen, Ausrufezeichen, Gemeine Graseule, Braungraue Gras-Eule oder Braungraue Gras-Erdeule LT · šauktukinis dirvinukas LV · izsaucēja laukpūcīte PL · rolnica czopówka

Wingspan 30-40 mm. One distinctive feature of this species is that it always has a black band across the front of the thorax, when viewed head-on. The caterpillars are coloured grey-brown, paler ventrally and have a pale dorsal line and clearly recognizable black point warts. Larvae feed on a variety of plants, both wild and cultivated. This is one of the notorious cutworms and often damages plants at the base. The species overwinters as a full-grown larva in a chamber in the soil before pupating in the spring. The pupa is bright red.