
Cortinarius trivialis · gyvatkotis nuosėdis

  • girdled webcap
  • Natternstieliger Schleimfuß
  • gyvatkotis nuosėdis
  • parastā tīmeklene
  • zasłonak pospolity

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortinarius_trivialis Cap 3-11 cm; bell-shaped or convex, becoming broadly bell-shaped; thickly slimy; bald; orangish brown to yellowish brown. Gills attached to the stem; close; pale clay or faintly lilac colored at first, becoming brownish or rusty brown. Stem 5-12 cm long; 1-2 cm thick; equal or tapering a little to the base; covered with clear or whitish slime when fresh; shaggy and "belted" or obscurely zoned with whitish to brownish scales, especially over the lower half; whitish above, orange-brown to brownish below; sometimes with a rusty ring zone.

This mushroom is generally regarded as 'suspect' and may contain dangerous toxins; it should not be gathered for eating.
